
ジーピーアール GPR ALBUS CERAMIC 【アルバス セラミック】 (KYMCO AGILITY 125 R16 2007-14 COMPLETE SYSTEM EXHAUST) フルエキゾーストマフラー AGILITY125





■商品番号SCOM.165.ALB■商品概要EC公認/ヨーロッパ識別番号公認付きdBリダクション/dBキラー着脱式ステンレスクランプ ラバー製パッド付き取り付けにオール必要なハードウェア付属同じ重量 (各サイレンサー):約2.6kgサイレンサー長さ:約430mmホワイトセラミックコーティング・ With EC approval / verification number approved throughout Europe (entry into the vehicle’s registration papers) ・ db reduction / db Eater removable ・ Stainless steel clamp with rubber pad ・ all necessary hardware for installation are included ・ similar ・ weight per silencer about2.6 kg ・ silencer length approx 430 mm ・ white ceramic coating■適合車種▼KYMCOAGILITY125 07-14■詳細説明Included is an homologated dB reduction in GPR Germany. This is mounted in the end cap at the model Albus by snap ring. It is also supplied by GPR Germany depending on the model in addition to the dB- Eater above a funnel-shaped insert is mounted in the inlet of the muffler to the noise level to the permissible level lower. Attention is the exhaust system without the supplied dB reductions in public traffic moved invalidate the approval! For noise limited race tracks is also a special Racing dB-eater available which can provide a perfect balance of sound and power delivery . the Italian based company GPR has specialized more and more in the construction of exhaust systems for motorcycles in the past two decades. Because a lot of experience in metalworking addition to stainless steel quality materials such as titanium and Inconel Carbon are processed in the finest manner as a matter of course. GPR exhaust systems are of course internationally used by many race teams even in the Moto GP has already accomplished the company GPR with Casey Stoner! The resulting experience is of course 1: taken into mass production. 1 So you can choose between various versions of different GPR silencer choose it can be found in the extensive assortment for almost any motorcycle right GPR exhaust.【参考訳】GPRドイツで承認されたdBの削減が含まれています。


これは、GPR Germanyからも供給されています。

モデルに応じて、漏斗状のインサートの上のdB- Eaterは、マフラーの入口に許容レベルより低いノイズレベルまで取り付けられています。





GPRエキゾーストシステムはもちろん、Moto GPでも多くのレースチームが国際的に使用していますが、すでにCasey StonerとGPRを達成しています!その結果の経験はもちろん1です:大量生産に持ち込まれる。










  • 商品価格:57,312円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)

